I bought a combo meal at my favorite BBQ joint and forgot I'd have to make a decision about the drink that came with it! I tried to do right by selecting the Fanta Strawberry. It just seemed caffeine-free but I didn't know for sure. When I pressed the spigot, only a faint red color came out and the rest looked like carbonated water. *sigh* I looked across the selections and nothing seemed appealing. I did not want a lemonade to wash down a pulled pork sandwich. Glaring back at me was the Coca-Cola! I broke down. I filled the Styrofoam cup with the forbidden elixir.
It seemed like a setup from the beginning. I went into the post office which is right next to the BBQ place. Every time I smell that delicious wood they must use to smoke and flavor the meat with, I am almost intoxicated! It smells like some parts of Florida. The palm trees and ocean. I can't be alone in this. Anyhoo, on the occasions that I am lured into the BBQ place, it is always after I've left the post office. I walk back over to A&R because I would have to make a left turn against traffic and another left to get into A&R. You know how I feel about left turns during rush hour or anytime for that matter but I digress. Well wouldn't you know it: there is a convenient little path that leads from the post office to A&R BBQ . It must have been bore there by the postal workers traipsing back and forth to get their fill. A&R must have released triple strength aroma today because there were so many people in line for food! I have never had more than 1 or 2 people ahead of me. Apparently it was tactic because 2 ladies behind me commented how busy the place was today. Their tactic had worked. And I fell off the wagon! If it makes you feel any better, the french fries were not crispy and there was no ketchup in the bag! *rolling eyes*
But I had resisted the temptation all day. My head was hurting. I was having cravings. I have not had a Coke in a few days. I took some time off from work last week and I have not been tempted for a Coke. I was content with my caffeine-free Cherry 7-Up. But I went back to work today. And there is a big bad Coke machine in each of the faculty lounges. I went to wash my hands for lunch and there it was. The Coke machine. I walked past it with a haughty sneer. Why did someone enter the lounge and make a purchase while I was in the restroom washing my hands? It was before lunch and I know the cafeteria lady comes out and buys a Coke everyday before the serving begins. I heard that familiar drop of the coins and then the roll-bounce-drop of the cold beverage arrive at its destination and on to the thirsty buyer. I almost had to run out of the lounge. I am such an addict! I will keep trying. I did not expect to go cold turkey. I anticipated a slip up. Again, it is not carbonated beverages, it's caffeine I'm trying to avoid.
I am going to take a pix of the Coke machine and post it! It is going to be hard. I refuse to use student bathrooms just to avoid confrontation with the Coke machine!
Back to the drawing board.
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