So I'm cutting down on the caffeine and the sodas. I have one more Cherry 7-Up in the fridge. It's caffeine free so I am not going to trip. Sometimes I need a little something strong to wash down certain foods. I may have an occasional carbonated beverage but it should be caffeine free.
I have been low on energy lately but I have not been cooking either. It's been my patented "hollerin' in a horn" i.e. drive thru window dining. Not very nutritious or healthy so I plan to cook more.
My natural hair has been in great shape but I have been lazy with the styling. So I plan to try to styles and make sure to keep it moisturized. I am a self professed Product Junkie but I will try to minimize purchases and try to stick to the healthy products like Ayurveda products and methods. I'm trying to use up the products that I already have. And that's a lot!
In terms of my creativity, I have been slacking. Maybe it's the winter blahs but I was hoping for more finished projects instead of the UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) crowding my workspace. I am challenging myself to be creative on a daily basis, be it big or small.
I cannot tell you the last time I finished reading a book! That is shameful. Reading is so enjoyable for me. I cannot believe I have let the pressures of the job and life interrupt that. I'm taking it back. I went to my book shelf and grabbed Terry McMillan's "The Interrupting of Everything" and Eric Jerome Dickey's "Sleeping With Strangers".
This is not going to be hard. Just an adjustment to my current lifestyle.
I will try to blog daily but this may or may not happen. No pressure. I can always give you a catch up.
I actually started my 100 Day Challenge, Saturday, January 24. Amazingly, the 100 days will commence on May 5th! How appropriate. I can celebrate my achievements on Cinco de Mayo!
When I went grocery shopping yesterday, I had a list. I was planning to make some Red Beans & Rice. I had seen the Neelys prepare this on their Food Network show Saturday morning. It looked so delicious and easy to indoctrinate myself back into the kitchen. While in the store, I was sooo tempted to put a pack of Cokes in my basket. Red Beans & Rice is one of those foods that I need to wash down with something carbonated. Maybe I should have gotten some beer! I resisted and picked up the Ozarka water instead. I also indulged in a bottle of Naked Superfood juice. I picked The Green Machine. A friend at work let me taste some. I was very skeptical. It looked like algae. But the taste is delicious. I look forward to sampling other flavors soon.
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