
Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Secrets of Former Shopper

Holiday Shopping is in full effect. I do not like getting in the midst of it unless I cannot avoid it like getting gas or running the the store for a few items.

How does one like me make due during this shopping season? I've learned a few tricks of the trade to make my life normal.

1. Make Right Turns Only!
Though it is the season of giving, trying to make a left turn across traffic will warrant someone giving you something alright, probably the finger! So, try to avoid left turns, especially those without a lane and a traffic control signal with an arrow. Even if it means driving down and making a block to turn around, make right turns only.

2. Walmart Parking Secret Revealed!
I probably should not give this away until January but I will reveal it now. Don't get caught up in the hoopla of trying to park close to the entrance doors. Unless you have a special blue sticker, park as far away from the main chaos as possible. I like to park in the Lawn and Garden center. I can find a good park, rush right in, get my few items, return to the L&G center to pay, and I am out of Walmart in 10 minutes. I tried this last Saturday. I needed a curtain rod and some three ring binders. I followed my own advice and it worked.

3. Skip Work!
Skip work to get some off peak shopping done. You can scoot in and out without the weekend rush.

4. Get Gas!
I used to gas my car religiously on Sunday and everybody else had the same idea: gas up for the week. I started gassing up on Saturday evening and the lines are nonexistent.

5. Browse It! Get It!
If all else fails, get online, browse it, order it and let the delivery man bring it! Works for me!

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